Friday, April 16, 2010

Blog 11: Krakauer's Research

Krakauer's research did a good job of showing how each part of McCandless' journey was significant. I was drawn in by all the details and descriptions that Krakauer used to help us reader's feel the journey and to be more involved than just reading another biography. I think that it was really powerful how Krakauer went to the people that McCandless had come in contact to, and how he interviewed those people. First hand accounts are the best proof in my opinion, and I think it was important that Krakauer obtained that information. The only downfall is that not every person's memory is perfect, so some information could have been left our or forgotten or maybe altered a little by the people interviewed, not on purpose but just because that's how humans are. I think that the only weak part of Krakauer's research was how McCandless died. I felt that the rest pf the story made sense and was well supported, but there was too much emotions and byass from Krakauer in the way he described McCandless dying. And furthermore, his thoughts were proved to be wrong, so I'm skeptical about that part. Otherwise the book seemed believable and the research that Krakauer did was excellent.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Blog 10: Research Paper

My primary source shows how the culture of teenagers in the 1980's existed, and how there were different styles. It shows many different parts of these styles which are coming back in today's younger generations, and how these styles are affecting the culture of today. I address this by using examples from my paper that show how this culture from the 80's is being found in today's culture. I show which parts have been passed on and brought back as well as mention the parts that have been forgotten or just aren't "in style" right now. This is important because it helps display the images of the 80's and can help the reader make the connections that I made between the 80's and now. This is important to anyone because it shows how the culture and styles of this current time may fade away into the past, but there are parts that may be remembered and might be popular in the future, and it's interesting to think about the styles we have today that are unique to our time, and how they might be thought of in the future.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Post 8-Essay Revising

The essay I chose to review is my close-reading essay. I think this essay a low, maybe low-plus. It has the basics that every essay needs, but it lacks in many areas. I think that it doesn't flow as well as I could make it. It has choppy transitions and parts from paragraph to paragraph as well as relating some points to other points in the paragraphs. I can work more on using more quotes and utilizing the sources better. I think the paper lacks in the support area using resources, and it would help if I added more information to help support my argument. I need to work on unpacking the quotes as well, which would also help support my argument. Overall it has a purpose and is fairly organized, but I believe it needs to be reworked in terms of the transitions and I need to add supporting quotes and work on unpacking those quotes to get the most out of them.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Blog Prompt 7

Krakauer's self-expression strengthened McCandless's story. It impacted me more when he related himself to the story he was telling. It showed that he had some experience and knowledge about Chris' type of journey and that he wasn't writing it blindly. It seemed more purposeful and trustworthy because of his story. I feel that the story is more "legit" because of this as well. I believe that Krakauer supports himself in telling Chris' story by his own self-expression.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Group E Prompt

I believe that the examples Krakauer chose to relate to McCandless' story helped tell his story. It enhances the different aspects of the story, and helps show how each part of McCandless' story is important and how similar Everett Ruess and Chris McCandless are. On page 91, Krakauer says in the excerpts from some of Everett's letters, "I have been thinking more and more that I shall always be a lone wandereer of the wilderness. God, how the trail lures me. You cannot comprehend its resistless fascination for me. After all the lone trail comes to die, I'll find the wildest, loneliest, most desolate spot there is." This is how Ruess expressed himself, and McCandless seemed to have a similar outlook on life. They are both similar in many ways.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Group C Prompt

I believe that it is most effective to use all three. Some essays are swayed to one or another, but those only speak to some people. A combination of all three speak to a more broad audience and are more likely to be enjoyed by more people. It is good to have a balance because it can help the paper flow better as well. In my essays I wrote during Boot Camp, I tried to use a balance of all three but I am not a strong writer so that was hard for me to "design" my writing, but I will work on this throughout the revision process.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Group B Prompt

After reading further into the book, I still keep my same mindset on McCandless. I believe he knew what he was doing, and wanted to change his life drastically from what it had been. He took the chance of being on his own and there are examples showing his intelligence so I believe he knew what to expect. He is crazy to take such a drastic step away from normality, but he greatly changed his life. I believe he knew what he was going up against, but obviously things happen that cannot be predicted and this is what led to his death. Overall, my opinion of McCandless has not changed.